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30 December 19 – The One – Song 9: Darkness Rising, Segment 5

After an interlude of Dragon Dreaming at the end of the previous segment, the MC “jolts out of sheltering warmth.” Hertwig remains engaged and concerned. The visit with Hertwig ends early in this segment, and the MC re-engages Skitch and Mim who wait like vultures outside Hertwig’s residence. Along with these two, our canine player, O’Gill, takes a larger part in the story, and adds non-human interest. More about him soon, as he joins the adventure.

In this segment, the MC tells another lie. It is up to you to judge whether this action is appropriate. In contrast, the MC also experiences remorse and shame. This contradictory set of actions makes for deep learning about how to “be” in the world. 

In addition, magic is afoot. Dragon presence foretells what is to come. Hertwig, himself, carries an air of fantastic intuition and eerie prescience. Everything feels poised, balancing on the end of a spear. The foundation for what’s coming next is laid.

 . . . I jolt out of sheltering warmth and fall
                                                away from dark wings and into pale light
                                                and there is Hertwig’s face up close to mine
                                                            eyes full of sadness from some ancient place
                                                He, too, knows the illusion of safety
                                                            all too well and hopes to help and shield me
                                                He knows the ploy I was sent to engage
                                                            but also sees the truth risen in time
                                                                        that I cannot steal what is not given
                                                                        or take away what is already mine

                                    “Go away now,” he says gently stretching
                                                a crippled hand to enfold my shoulder
                                    “Come back tomorrow, and please bring O’Gill
                                    Your acquaintances think to track me now
                                                but I know their intentions, and now yours”
                                    “No! I could never steal from you Hertwig!”
                                    “Not now, but short hours ago, you would have”
                                    My face swells with shame to think of before
                                    How weak I am and so prone to pressures
                                                of Skitch, and my own niggling, horrid needs
                                    “Don’t worry. All’s pardoned, as you will see
                                                from the wild Dragon I have gifted you.”
                                    Hearing this, my chin falls, shamed, to my chest 
                                    “Please do return tomorrow as today
                                    His kind tone eases my apprehension
                                                and bring the lovely O’Gill with you, too
                                                I have a good feeling that together
                                                            we three will have some luck finding your boat”
                                    “Yes, I will come tomorrow with O’Gill          
                                                Thank you for the gift – the food – everything”
                                    “Tsk. Tsk. No need to thank me – I am pleased
                                                to ease your path. Where I can, I will”
                                    I turn to leave, Dragon in hand, safe and still


                                    I march down the darkened stairway, then stop
                                                taking in I’ve no clue how to get back
                                                but I see there’s no worry about that
                                                            as at the exit, loiter Skitch and Mim
                                                            out in the glowering twilight waiting
                                    “Well, what did you get?” Skitch all but drooling
                                    “Nothing really,” I lie again, and well
                                                Just bread and cheese and a short look inside”
                                    “Good enough for just one day,” Mim chortles
                                                “We told you that you are the perfect con
                                                            with your lost-child looks and waifish manner”

                                    They start to walk away, and I follow
                                                saying, “He wants me to come tomorrow”
                                    “Perfect,” Skitch sniggers and saunters faster
                                    “I want to bring O’Gill. He’s fond of dogs”
                                    “Sure. Sure,” says Mim without hesitation
                                    And with that, we make our way through the town
                                                Seagrace safe with me, no note from her throat
                                                            just lying secret, breathing and burning
                                                            as high streetlamps twinkle on gold and blue

                                    At night, predictably, I dream Dragons
                                                nine of them including my sixth of nine
                                    They do not frighten me circling above
                                                with the setting sun, nine to one again

                                    Having risen early, but not so soon
                                                as O’Gill who stands alert at the door
                                                as if he knows today’s next adventure
                                    The other three remain asleep, snoring
                                                as O’Gill and I slip out on our own
                                    I am wonder-seized at an arousal
                                                that I do not comprehend, but O’Gill
                                                            prances, picks up his pace as we arrive
                                                            at the harbor streets and find the tavern
                                                Doors are locked and no lamps glimmer inside
                                    I do not know my way to Hertwig’s place
                                    With that fact, I decide to turn toward fun:
                                                walking a dog at the day’s beginning
                                                and O’Gill trots, most certainly agreed
                                    I let him lead and he follows his nose
                                                down to the shoreline where boats ride the swells
                                    O’Gill’s nose scents dead fish, but I am wrong
                                                I follow him tracking some pungent trail
                                    As O’Gill minds his doggish route, my thoughts
                                                wander to Hertwig who surely sleeps now
                                                            with green velvet and treasures around him

                                    I’m sad about my purpose to rob him
                                                of his wealth, and now I’m feeling remorse
                                                            shamed at his gentle generosity
                                    I cringe and feel guilty for accepting
                                                his kindness in the face of the planned con
                                                and now, Seagrace is mine, or I am hers
                                    She lies wary in my pocket, judging
                                                me and my dishonorable doings

                                    O’Gill trots faster – remaining on scent
                                    I keep up, but barely, and I’m panting
                                    O’Gill looks at me over his shoulder
                                                whimpers as if to say, “Can’t you smell it?”
                                    I get lost in his enthusiasm
                                                wondering what drives his wakened urgency 
                                    He guides us out onto a fingered pier
                                                out along the sea’s edge pressing forward
                                                passing tall ships and lean ships, all tied up
                                    Few men on decks coil ropes and clean winches
                                                making ready to sail whenever winds
                                                favor bellowing canvas like sweet breath

                                    O’Gill strains at his leash over the pier edge
                                                staring into the water, twitching his nose
                                    I’m afraid we both will tumble headfirst
                                                into the sea, but he holds fast to the pier
                                    I grasp his collar, hold him back, and look 
over the edge – there, tied to a piling
            Amazed! There’s my red boat, looking unchanged 
            with sail folded and bound, reminding me 
                        of Hart and our short journey together

                                    I can’t reach her while struggling with O’Gill
                                                who seems to want to board her by flying
                                    A ladder extends from pier to water
                                    It’s boat or O’Gill, and I choose the dog
                                                because the boat will wait, while O’Gill won’t
                                    I sit, legs dangling over the sharp edge
                                                            I’m still holding O’Gill, stroking his chest
                                                            and scratching his ears, cooing, “Good boy.”
                                    He slackens his pulling, relaxing now
                                                lying down, panting gently at my side
                                    Together, we gaze out to the east where 
                                                red, burgeoning sun rises up pristine
                                    I stay long in this light realizing
                                                what this means – we can leave now – any time
                                                but I remember why, by chance, I’m here
                                    Twice told: I have found my boat with the help 
of O’Gill, and I must visit Hertwig
                                    No sooner do I recall his kindness
                                                than the man himself totters down the pier
                                    When he’s still a way off, he shouts, “Good day!”
                                    “So, he found her!” He means O’Gill’s shrewd snout
                                    We rise up to greet him, all smiles and wags
                                    “Yes, but how did you . . . but how could you know . . .
                                                that we and it would be on this one pier
                                    “Is that not why I said, ‘bring the good dog’?”
                                    Hertwig smirks and chuckles, feigns a glance over
                                                pier edge where Hart is tied, as if he knew
                                                            not what might be there, but of course, he does

                                    “Go down and have a look. I’ll hold the dog.
                                    “Yes. Thanks. I will,” I hand O’Gill’s leash to him
                                    “But how did you know?” I ask scuttling down
                                                the ladder, coiling the line, and board her
                                    “I didn’t know she was here, and I looked.
                                                So, how could you possibly know all this?”
                                    “Oh, I have my ways,” he says impishly
                                    “It’s all still here,” I shout back up to him
                                                “But wait, there’s more here than I left behind
                                                It’s like something magical happened here”
                                    “I told you about all that yesterday. 
                                                It is true magic that the Dragon brings”  
                                    I am skeptical except when I search 
                                                the storage box, I find jerky, hard tack, 
candies, oats, sugar, flour, salt, and much more
                                    “Where did all this come from!?” I ask smiling
                                    I scoot up the ladder, beaming, and bend
                                                to ruffle O’Gill’s ears while Hertwig laughs
                                    “Say someone wants the pleasure of helping
                                                to weigh your anchor and sail toward those stars
                                                            you believe are out there waiting for you.”
                                    I can’t help myself as I throw my arms
                                                around Hertwig’s middle as O’Gill jumps up
                                                            to get in on the excitement and pats
                                    “You did all this!?” I demand and back off
                                                to see him grinning, so pleased with himself
                                    He is positively glowing with pride
                                    “But did O’Gill actually find her?” I ask
                                    “Just some drops of meat juice from the tavern
                                                to the boat,” he explains. But the boat, well,
                                                that’s another story for another time                            
                                    “Now it’s time for O’Gill’s reward,” he says
                                                pulling a meaty bone from a red bag
                                                that has just mysteriously appeared
                                    He takes a knee and presents the treasure
                                                to O’Gill whose tail wags furiously

                                    “How can I ever thank you?” I ask him
                                    “Never think of robbing me again, please!”
                                    My face flames red and I hang my head low
                                    “I am so sorry. I lost myself with those three”
                                    “So easily as that?” Hertwig probes me
                                    “I think I’ve learned my lesson,” I offer
                                    “And what would that be?” He’s unrelenting
                                    “Stick to the compass that points the right way”
                                    “Not bad, but you can go deeper,” he tests
                                    I pause and consider what I know now
                                    O’Gill munches happily on his bone
                                    I see the answer is standing right here
                                                in the form of this old and ugly man
                                                            grown suddenly pleasing, truly handsome
                                    “Trust the good inside.” I say, hugely humbled
                                    “Much better and not bad for a youngster
                                                You know we wander this long course alone
                                                Thus, I have heard many times from good sources
                                                Still, life can be lovely at its beginning
                                                            in its middle and at its ending, too
                                                Life is short, limited and quick to pass
                                                Live like your hair is on fire – no less
                                                When we draw back the veil from the world
                                                            listen with the ear of your truth-telling heart
                                                            the better path always reveals itself
                                                You can feel this in your bones and sinews
                                                This is what follows like a white shadow
                                                            a path that others envy but can’t see
                                                This is what frees us from the great bondage 
                                                            of regret and rids us of sorrow, too”

                                                All is quiet now except the muffled harbor sounds
                                                            ascending into this day of departure
                                    I am humbled, yes, and hope that shows him 
                                                the gratitude I can’t find words to say 
for all the gifts given in just one day
                                    This makes me hesitate, wanting to stay
                                                            with this teacher who may just be the one
                                                                        but I know I must launch myself headlong
and the call of the distant sea is strong
the top of my head feels the fiery burn
                                                                                    and I know I must go, if only to return

This segment is a story of honesty ad betrayal, intended harm and intended aid, and if you will, good and evil. This segment also reaches a choice point wherein the MC has the freedom to stay in the current situation, or to leave, once again into unknown territory. Isn’t it true that we all face such choices periodically? Stay where we are, or head for the hills? Deal with the people in our lives or leave them behind? Depart from loved ones, settled situations, and/or material support? The choice point here involves serious thought and consideration of the blank space that is the future. Perhaps most important, is the character of Hertwig who represents, perhaps, the first warm and welcoming presence in the MC’s life to date. Will experiences allow a long-term bond to form. The end of the segment answers that question in a double path.

Exploration 1: What is the “illusion of safety” referred to at the beginning of this segment? Is it a condition of existence? Is it a false concept?

Exploration 2: Why does Hertwig help the MC? What does he expect in return?

Exploration 3: Do you think the MC will return to this city in the future?

Remember, the entire version of The One published to date can be found on a separate Web site here for ease of reading.


  1. I admit I fell behind in the hubbub of year's end, but the New Year's quiet has allowed me to catch up. So the MC is on "his" feet again, ready to head towards the sea. I assume he'll have a canine companion. Let Hertwig deal with the scallywags.
    Safety is an illusion, but we hang onto it to enjoy life while it lasts. I think the MC will return to this port and in the end back to Chicopee. Not to be trite but: "We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time."


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