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Tuesday, August 7, 2018 A.D.

Well, I was done with this
I had finished the post
But somehow it all erased
Isn't technology amazing?

Tuesday, August 7, 2018 part 2.
I had some really nice stuff written up. Well, actually most of it was just pictures that I stole from Facebook and some quotes from NPR but I had worked really hard to find some good ones. Then I hit backspace once-you know, like when you want to backspace once-and everything disappeared. I am sure that this happens every once in a while and it is probably funny when it happens to someone else-but not to me! So...instead of writing my normal post I shall go completely commando and write only original thoughts.
First of all, I am going to write a top 9 list of the 9 things I would like to do with my computer right now.
9. Send it to Mars and let the rover drive over top of it.
8. Mail it to Jimmy Hoffa.
7. Buy it a nice cold soda...and pour it all over the processor!
6. Take it to a computer recycling center and not let it go on the tour.
5. Take a chainsaw and carve the computer into a typewriter.
4. Take the computer fishing...use it for bait.
3. Waterboard it.
2. Convert it to a Linux system.
and finally...number one...cover it with cat hair and let my chihuahua teach it a lesson!
To be honest, computers are pretty cool. This one has treated me really quite well. The computer really wasn't at fault when it came to the deletion of the original blog post. If anything it was the blogger program, and you can't get even with a computer really can't. It is what I learned from the book Moby Dick. I don't want to find myself with only one leg lashed to a giant whale so I will breathe a couple of times and then get back to working on typing.
Madness. That is what it is. I have to let go, but the aggravation keeps on welling up inside me. If only someone would bring me beer...or wine...or some delicious Irish whiskey...that might help me deal with this. Then again, the original post will still be gone after the effects of alcohol wear off.
So that is it. Anymore and I might end up deleting the whole thing again. Part 3 would be even more difficult to read then part 2. And part 1 was good. I promise...really good! If you work for blogger and want apologize for this terrible act of literary terrorism, then you can email me at with your apology. I eagerly await your email.


  1. Dear Wannaska Almanac contributors,

    Apple, Google, and Microsoft are all inherently evil. As your tech guy, and as the person who recommended this platform for our blog, please accept my most profound apologies, and please note that I accept full responsibility for John's expressible loss.

    As your tech guy, I recommend that you use following steps to avoid your own version of John's tragedy and the loss of future literary treasures:
    1. Compose your daily as a plain text document application: NotePad for pc/Window users; TextEdit for Mac users.
    2. Cut and paste the "final" version of your daily text from the text document application into blogger.
    3. Save immediately.
    4. Edit the pasted version in blogger font changes, links, adding photos, or other modifications, hitting save after each and every edit.

    Thank you,



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