On Sunday a guy at church asked me if Teresa and I were moving to town. What! If we ever did move it would be to Massachusetts where our kids live and there are no plans for that. He said he had seen in the paper that we had sold our land. One of the joys living in a small town is that everyone knows your business. This is helped by the fact that almost everyone is related at least through marriage and that the local paper publishes the court report and a list of land transactions. I could understand why my fellow parishioner was confused. The land transaction list gives legal descriptions such as "the northwest quarter of the southeast section" so that it's hard to know what exactly is being sold. I told my curious friend that we had only sold one acre of our land to a neighbor. In October our neighbor Mark asked if he could buy this acre and a very oddly shaped acre it was. Mark said he wondered if we would sell him a 33 foot wide strip of land (two r...
Eddy E. Billberg 1881-1946 Eddy E. Billberg came to Roseau County at the turn of the 20th Century and homesteaded in Palmville Township. After training at Moorhead State Teacher's College he returned to teach in Roseau County schools. From 1915-1935 he served as Roseau County Superintendent of Schools. IN THE LAND OF THE CHIPPEWA Published in 1927 An Excerpt: CHAPTER 9: BEASTS OF THE FOREST