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Wannaskan Almanac for Tuesday, October 15, 2024 Political Musings

Cackla Harris And Donald Chump Two political adversaries Who belong in a dump They are both a disaster Two peas in a pod Both think we are stupid And that they are God What happened to statesmen Who cared for their peeps And watched over our freedom Like they never sleep Cackla fights to kill babies Chump bellows and blows When I see either I turns up my nose Where's Ronnie Where's Jimmy Where's Teddy Where's Timmy? I am tired of commercials I am sick of campaigning Their hate filled diatribes Are terribly draining Calgon...take me away!
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The One – Song 5: Threshing, Segment 1

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Word-Wednesday for October 9, 2024

And here is the Wannaskan Almanac with Word-Wednesday for October 9, 2024, the forty-first Wednesday of the year, the third Wednesday of fall, the second Wednesday of October, and the two-hundred-eighty-third day of the year, with eighty-three days remaining.   Wannaska Phenology Update for October 9, 2024 Wild Cranberries Two species of cranberries grow northern Minnesota: Large Cranberry ( Vaccinium macrocarpon ) and Small Cranberry ( Vaccinium oxycoccos ), which grow in sphagnum bogs, tamarack swamps, fens, and other wetlands. You can begin to prepare for Thanksgiving festivities by starting to gather now, because they are both ripening. State and national forests as well as Wildlife Management Areas permit picking, but Scientific and Natural Areas do not.  Your wild cranberries should last in the refrigerator only for several days, which gives you time to experiment with your cranberry sauce recipe. If you need a recipe, here's one from Saveur : Ingredients 1 lb. whole cranber